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Comment la Chine s’arme à marche forcée

Sous un Ciel Bleu: Inauguration du Navire d'Assaut Amphibie Sichuan Sous un ciel bleu dépourvu de nuages, mais légèrement voilé par la pollution, deux immenses...
HomebedrijfI never trusted Sam Altman. I trust OpenAI’s overhyped CEO even less...

I never trusted Sam Altman. I trust OpenAI’s overhyped CEO even less now. – BGR

I always had my doubts about Sam Altman. My skepticism towards the CEO of OpenAI, who some consider overhyped, has only amplified recently. Although Altman declared last year that he held no equity in the firm, it appears he’s in line to reap substantial financial rewards from OpenAI after all.